The Jupiter Review
a moon falls out of orbit and the world ends
Chelsea Sieg
everyone sees the planets first, big and bright
and full of life unknown, while the moons
circle at their feet like kittens pleading for a drink of milk,
an affectionate hand here or there. a moon grows
a static coat and forgets how to be touched. a moon
remembers a time before life on earth, remembers
drifting alone, beautiful and unscathed. a moon is
afraid. supernovas happen every day and they leave
a heavenly silence behind, and nothing is more tempting
than that distant oblivion. the earth is vast and angry
and wonderful and inescapable. it sees the supernovas
too. the pretty lights are enticing. a moon hardly notices
slipping away into space. the stars are memories that
brighten and fade with time, distance, solitude. craters
are just holes that can be outgrown. the quiet
is peaceful. the path is gone and a moon makes her own.
earth is cold and lonely. it looks back too late. it's nothing but
a black hole out there.
Chelsea Sieg is a slightly queer, often sarcastic author of poems, zines, interactive fiction games, game reviews, essays, and a whole bunch of other random things. She can be found at